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To login using IISC Emailid, Select option -- IISc EmailId -- default is EmployeeId/PatientNumber


Online Token Booking

  • If you want to login using your IISc Email id, click the option IISC Emailid , enter the email  against the username and password against password. You will be redirected to verify credentials and after verification proceed further..
  • Other-wise
  • To book a token online, Enter the patient number in the login text box
  • Enter  patient number as Password  for the first time and click Submit button.
  • The user will be directed to change password at the first time -
  • Enter the patient number in the old password text box.
  • Enter the new password in the New Password text box
  • enter the new password in the confirm password text box
  • Click submit.  If the change password is successfull, the user will be redirected to Appoint page where user can book a token. .
  • Patient Number is the employee id for employees and pensioners, and last five digits of SR Number for students.
  • For dependents add 01, 02 etc. to the employee/student/Pensioners’ id.
  • On-line booking permitted only between 9 am to 6 pm, on working days.
  • On-line booking will not be available on Sundays and holidays.
  • Time of actual consultation may vary.
  • On-line booking facility is provided only to entitled staff members, students and pensioners.
  • On successful login, the appointment screen will be displayed.
  • First select a doctor from the drop down list box.
  • Select a time slot which will be displayed on selection of the doctor - Number of tokens available will against each time slot.
  • Booking is permitted for the hourly time slot selected by the patient.
  • Available token in the respective time slot will be allotted by the system.
  • Click submit button after selecting the time slot. The allotted token number will be displayed in the text box.
  • A grid will be displayed on successful  saving. To cancel or modify the token allotted follow the steps below
    • Click the grid below which is showing the token position. Select the option (Modify or cancel. )
    • complete the action by clicking submit.
    • The position as changed will be displayed in the grid below. .
  • Patients booked online should collect their token from Health Centre
  • Patients must be present in Health Centre well in advance of the time for which the token is taken.

Token Position

Ruth Boyle
Dr. Naresh
Dr.Shilpa Sri
Dr. Ravikiran
Dr. Nachiketh
Dr. Adarsh
MS.Swetapragyan Panda
Dr.Somrita Das
Dr. Shruthi Sathish
Dr. Manoj SR
Chethan Pawar J
Dr.Virupaksha Shanmugam Harave
Dr.Sabina Rao
DR Aditya Malladi
Dr.Basavaraj Kuntoji
Dr.K M Surya Narayana
Dr.Sundari Nandyala
Dr. Sanjay B Patil
Dr.Kailash P Chhabria
Mr. Sridhar
Ms. Savitha
Token Colour Scheme:     : Available ,     : Token Issued,     : Under Examination by Doctor,     :  Completed (Met the doctor),    : Cancelled